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I arrived in long binh march 68. Hq company 40th signal. I was asked if I could type I said yes and was assigned as supply sgt in the cable yard.. The 40th was a telephone line installation unit. I was very good at my job but not at souldering. I got into trouble command sgtmajor zeeks and I had a few run ins. Right after tet I shipped out for D company in phu tigh. We had a club in the camp. On weekends the lt would send 2 1\\2s to town to pick up girls . Not every week but we had a few phillipino groups come to our little home made movie bar whore house. We got hit a few times but we had rok marines one hill over so charles stayed away most days. Those rok dudes did not like viets north or south. I shipped out stateside 3/69.ft benning then nato central command europe. By yhe time I left nam I was doing alot of drinking and much dope. The vc tried to kill me with bullets but the dutch girls tried a much more pleasent way. I thi k leaving the armt after over 6 years was a mistake. I really enjoyed the service. There is not anything line it. Sorry so many brothers died. I think of them. I yhink we could help our men now by contacting our old units and sending care packages. God bless yall. Yes I am a southerner.
Sexy Mo takes on Heidi in a sexy hot catball catfight, but does she get also a good wedgie fight The two experience ladies are the head of two gangs who commit most of the catfights in their private surrounding area to prove each other. \"Your little girls bores me\" Mo announces to her opponent. \"Then challenge me to a wrestling match, if you dare to fight against a real woman\" Heidi offers her. Sexy Mo stared at her for a moment, seems to shrug slightly, but then she accept the fight with great enthusiasm. A short time later the two women stand in the center of the apartment room and fight it out in a great mix of leg tangling, wedgie war, test of strenght, and catball action. The two vivacious girls started, to slam their bodys into each other and both are determined to win their first contest. There is no referee, no bells and no mercy for these amazon wedgie battle. Great catfight action from two powerful females. 59ce067264