Information And Software Technology
Information and Software Technology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal on software development and related issues, published by Elsevier. The journal was established in 1959 as Data Processing, obtaining its current title in 1987.[1] The journal is abstracted and indexed in Scopus.
The information technology (IT) field presents a unique context for the management of multiple projects because of the variety of stakeholders involved, the complexity of interdependencies among projects, and the frequent use of external vendors. In practice, IT vendors typically employ advanced project governance techniques such as program management to work effectively with the numbers and variety of clients while still pursuing the benefits of a single oversight. These structural features lend themselves to conflict across teams with individual requirements. However, little research exists on program management, much less in the IT context, that represents conflict across IT project teams.
The interdependencies across projects in large information technology (IT) implementations means that the traditional boundaries of project management do not hold and that collaboration in the form of program management is essential to avoid conflict and eventual failure [1]. Yet programs by their nature are complex due to managing interrelated projects with multiple managers in a resource limited environment, with differing and often conflicting needs, emergent inputs and conditions affecting the process, and elevated ambiguity [2], [3] and [4]. Thus, the program structure is inherently unique because it brings together the diverse interests of many teams, resulting in conflict associated with inter-team relationships instead of intra-team relationships [5]. Mutual interdependence, goal differences, and limited resources of IT projects coupled with a need for joint decision making are but a subset of the factors which cause inter-project conflict in a technology program. Conflicts further emerge when there are duplication of activities across IT projects or when activities in one project may diminish the outcomes of another [6]. The inability of parties to resolve conflict satisfactorily is a critical reason for relationship failure and eventual dissolution of the structure necessary in the completion of assigned activities [7]. Understanding the effects of conflict resolution is crucial to attaining success in this unique context that is gaining widespread application in the IT field, especially in the more complex arenas as the implementation of enterprise resource planning systems and development of client systems by vendors [8], [9] and [10].
Information and Software Technology publishes scholarly papers exploring novel essential contributions in the fields of Databases & Information Systems, General Computer Science, General Engineering and Technology and Software Engineering & Programming. The dominant research topics published in this academic venue consist of Software engineering, Software, Programming language, Data mining and Systems engineering. The publication protocol for Information and Software Technology is to publish novel original papers that have been rigorously reviewed by experienced scientific peers. The journal encourages submissions from the research community where attention will be on the originality and the practical significance of the published work.Information and Software Technology is listed in a wide range of abstracting and indexing databases including Scopus, Web of Science and A significant number of leading scholars have published their research contributions at this Journal among them Emilia Mendes, Marouane Kessentini, Paris Avgeriou, Xavier Franch and Xin Xia.For additional information on the rules and submission requirements for authors, it is recommended to consult the official website for the journal for Information and Software Technology at -and-software-technology .
The main aim of this event is to enable the best Lithuanian information technology (IT) researchers and practitioners to meet with their colleagues from abroad, share their latest research findings and introduce them to the international scientific community. In 2023, the promotion and development of interdisciplinary research remains a priority, emphasizing the combination of social and IT needs in the context of an information, knowledge-based society. Real examples show that this traditional KTU scientific event encourages European and global scientists to collaborate with Lithuanian scientists while seeking opportunities for joint science and technology development activities.
In the course students will learn about the use and application of technology through a sequence of project-based units of work. These units explore areas of interactive digital media development, internet and website development, the Internet of Things, game development and programming, and wearable technologies.
This leads into the Year 10 course that includes emerging technology, algorithms and programming, and an innovative look into mechatronics, robotics and the use of artificial intelligence in automated systems.
The Information and Software Technology is a course for students wanting to develop skills and knowledge for the future. In the course students will learn about the use and application of technology through a sequence of project-based units of work.
These units explore areas of emerging technology, algorithms and programming, and an innovative look into mechatronics, robotics and the use of artificial intelligence in automated systems. By the end of this course students will have developed skills in systems thinking, complex and creative problem solving, communication, data science and software engineering.IST is an exciting course that equips students with skills and knowledge for a technology rich future.
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Publication types that are part of the deal: Full Length Article, Review Article, Short Communication, Case Report, Data, Micro-article, Original Software Publication, Practical Guideline, Protocol, Replication Study, Short Survey, Video. For more information please ask your university open access contact.
Sherpa Romeo information is accurate to the best of our knowledge but should not be relied upon for legal advice. (Last modified on: {{item.system_metadata.date_modified}}) For most accurate information, visit the Journal Home Page
Information and Software Technology is the international technical journal covering software development. It bridges the gap between the theories of software engineering and the application of information technology within organizations. The journal covers the entire area of information processing, from state-of-the-art research, through software development and implementation, to information systems management. Papers published in the journal are drawn from current developments in areas such as: empirical and experimental analyses. software metrics. software processes and development methods. project management. quality control and standards. object orientation. concurrency. human factors. testing. implementation techniques. database design. information systems. The journal focuses on international research on software development and its application in industry; discusses techniques for tailoring software and information systems for institutional, industrial, and commercial use; explains in depth the techniques that produce more efficient and reliable systems and emphasizes the use of proper methodologies and formal practices to improve software productivity. Months of publication: Monthly. Index bound in last issue of calendar year.
Note: Every year, The Clarivate releases the Journal Citation Report (JCR). The JCR provides information about academic journals including impact factor. The latest JCR was released in june, 2022. The JCR 2023 will be released on 30th June 2023.
This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.
This document provides informative guidance (guidance that is not normative, and that does not set requirements) with regard to the interpretation and application of Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 [WCAG20] to non-web information and communications technologies (ICT). This document is a Working Group Note (in contrast to WCAG 2.0, which is a W3C Recommendation and also an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) / International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard). Specifically, this document provides informative guidance on applying WCAG 2.0 Level A and AA success criteria to non-web ICT, specifically to non-web documents and software.
This document is intended to help clarify how to use WCAG 2.0 to make non-webdocuments and software more accessible to people with disabilities. Addressing accessibility involves addressing the needs of people with auditory, cognitive, neurological, physical, speech, and visual disabilities, and the needs of people with accessibility requirements due to the effects of aging. Although this document covers a wide range of issues, it is not able to address all the needs of all people with disabilities. Because WCAG 2.0 was developed for the Web, addressing accessibility for non-web documents and software may involve provisions beyond those included in this document. Authors and developers are encouraged to seek relevant advice about current best practices to ensure that non-web documents and software are accessible, as far as possible, to people with disabilities. 59ce067264